Thursday, 18 December 2014

Away from here rough cut 3

In this cut we have decided to patch any blank/black spaces in the video with a clip of our lead singer, we don't plan on using these clips in the final product, however we felt we should fill the blank spaces in attempt to make the video less boring whilst waiting for a clip to appear.
We have also changed a few band shots within the video as we feel they are better fitting to the track.

Monday, 8 December 2014

Away from here rough cut 2

This is our second rough cut of our music video. We are now seeing more of a narrative begin to take form, however we are aware that some shots may need editing in order to be better synced with the music.

Away from here rough cut 1

This is our first cut for Away from here. It's still early days but we're beginning to see a narrative develop throughout the video.
We felt it was important to wait until we had some band shots before we posted our rough cut in order to show how we planned to include and shoot the band performance.